Metran practical example

This notebook shows a practical application of Metran on calculated residuals from univariate time series models as published in the article van Geer and Berendrecht in Stromingen (2015).

import os

import pandas as pd

import metran

Python version: 3.10.12 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jun 23 2023, 22:40:32) [GCC 12.3.0]
numpy version: 1.26.4
scipy version: 1.12.0
pandas version: 2.2.0
matplotlib version: 3.7.2
pastas version: 1.4.0
numba version: 0.59.0
lmfit version: 1.2.2

Read example data

Read residuals from time series analysis models for 5 piezometers at different depths at location B21B0214. (The time series models are not shown here, only the resulting residuals.)

residuals = {}
rfiles = [
    os.path.join("./data", f) for f in os.listdir("./data") if f.endswith("_res.csv")

for fi in rfiles:
    name = fi.split(os.sep)[-1].split(".")[0].split("_")[0]
    ts = pd.read_csv(
        fi, header=0, index_col=0, parse_dates=True, date_format="%Y-%m-%d"
    residuals[name] = ts
# sort names (not necessary, but ensures the order of things)
sorted_names = list(residuals.keys())
['B21B0214001', 'B21B0214002', 'B21B0214003', 'B21B0214004', 'B21B0214005']

Create Metran model

First collect series in a list with their unique IDs.

series = []

for name in sorted_names:
    ts = residuals[name]
    ts.columns = [name]

Create the Metran model and solve.

mt = metran.Metran(series, name="B21B0214")
INFO: Number of factors according to Velicer's MAP test: 1

Fit report B21B0214                  Fit Statistics
tmin     None                        obj        2332.33
tmax     None                        nfev            77
freq     D                           AIC        2344.33
solver   ScipySolve

Parameters (6 were optimized)
                         optimal   stderr initial  vary
B21B0214001_sdf_alpha   5.501017  ±18.98%    10.0  True
B21B0214002_sdf_alpha  13.560042  ±10.04%    10.0  True
B21B0214003_sdf_alpha   4.682870  ±28.86%    10.0  True
B21B0214004_sdf_alpha  11.381674  ±18.22%    10.0  True
B21B0214005_sdf_alpha  13.140605   ±8.48%    10.0  True
cdf1_alpha             22.980925   ±7.43%    10.0  True

Parameter correlations |rho| > 0.5

Metran report B21B0214        Factor Analysis
tmin     None                nfct     1
tmax     None                fep     88.32%
freq     D


B21B0214001      73.61%
B21B0214002      87.59%
B21B0214003      93.35%
B21B0214004      91.74%
B21B0214005      81.15%

State parameters
                      phi         q
B21B0214001_sdf  0.833781  0.080429
B21B0214002_sdf  0.928908  0.017023
B21B0214003_sdf  0.807716  0.023102
B21B0214004_sdf  0.915889  0.013316
B21B0214005_sdf  0.926724  0.026607
cdf1             0.957419  0.083349

Observation parameters
                   gamma1     scale      mean
B21B0214001      0.857982  5.920523 -0.001924
B21B0214002      0.935874  5.565866 -0.055813
B21B0214003      0.966197  5.702295 -0.001265
B21B0214004      0.957794  5.833851 -0.033373
B21B0214005      0.900857  6.234234 -0.022840

State correlations |rho| > 0.5

Visualizing and accessing Metran results

The results of the Metran can be visualized using the Metran.plots class.

Scree plot

We can draw a scree plot to visualize the eigenvalues (used in determining the number of factors).

# Plot eigenvalues in scree plot, see e.g. Fig 2 in JoH paper
ax = mt.plots.scree_plot()

State means

Plot the calculated state means for each of the specific and common dynamic components:

B21B0214001_sdf B21B0214002_sdf B21B0214003_sdf B21B0214004_sdf B21B0214005_sdf cdf1
1988-10-14 0.226549 0.021665 0.028548 0.026005 0.153683 0.809228
1988-10-15 0.182900 0.013039 0.026154 0.022935 0.149910 0.790042
1988-10-16 0.145313 0.004483 0.024958 0.020043 0.147006 0.772353
1988-10-17 0.112540 -0.004048 0.024904 0.017306 0.144954 0.756126
1988-10-18 0.083497 -0.012601 0.025990 0.014702 0.143742 0.741331
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2005-11-24 0.909463 -0.389068 -0.022535 -0.002155 0.133346 -0.152090
2005-11-25 0.940340 -0.416086 -0.021679 -0.017868 0.134755 -0.288478
2005-11-26 1.001189 -0.445368 -0.021816 -0.033719 0.136945 -0.426332
2005-11-27 0.951887 -0.477072 -0.022951 -0.049831 0.139928 -0.675974
2005-11-28 1.068061 -0.511373 -0.025137 -0.066328 0.143722 -0.823190

6255 rows × 6 columns

axes = mt.plots.state_means(adjust_height=True)


The simulated mean values for each time series in our Metran model can be obtained with:

# Get all (smoothed) simulated state means
means = mt.get_simulated_means()
B21B0214001 B21B0214002 B21B0214003 B21B0214004 B21B0214005
1988-10-14 5.450000 4.280000 4.620000 4.640000 5.480000
1988-10-15 5.094121 4.132049 4.500647 4.514891 5.348733
1988-10-16 4.781724 3.992287 4.396365 4.399175 5.231284
1988-10-17 4.505266 3.860280 4.306655 4.292536 5.127359
1988-10-18 4.258161 3.735609 4.231336 4.194678 5.036712
1988-10-19 4.034568 3.617869 4.170535 4.105327 4.959142
1988-10-20 3.829204 3.506668 4.124708 4.024229 4.894493
1988-10-21 3.637170 3.401621 4.094661 3.951149 4.842653
1988-10-22 3.453793 3.302355 4.081594 3.885870 4.803556
1988-10-23 3.274477 3.208502 4.087163 3.828191 4.777178

For obtaining the data for a simulation with the observations and an (optional) confidence interval, use mt.get_simulation().

# Get simulated mean for specific series with/without confidence interval
name = "B21B0214005"
sim = mt.get_simulation(name, alpha=0.05)
mean lower upper
1988-10-14 5.480000 5.480000 5.480000
1988-10-15 5.348733 1.669956 9.027510
1988-10-16 5.231284 0.273555 10.189012
1988-10-17 5.127359 -0.640237 10.894955
1988-10-18 5.036712 -1.263478 11.336903
1988-10-19 4.959142 -1.669234 11.587519
1988-10-20 4.894493 -1.891043 11.680029
1988-10-21 4.842653 -1.942746 11.628053
1988-10-22 4.803556 -1.824438 11.431550
1988-10-23 4.777178 -1.522468 11.076824

There is also a method to visualize these results for a single time series including optional confidence interval:

ax = mt.plots.simulation("B21B0214005", alpha=0.05)

Or all for all time series:

axes = mt.plots.simulations(alpha=0.05)


The decomposition of a simulation into specific and common dynamic components can be obtained with mt.decompose_simulation().

# Decomposed simulated mean for specific series
decomposition = mt.decompose_simulation("B21B0214001")
sdf cdf1
1988-10-14 1.339364 4.110636
1988-10-15 1.080942 4.013179
1988-10-16 0.858403 3.923322
1988-10-17 0.664372 3.840894
1988-10-18 0.492420 3.765741
1988-10-19 0.336849 3.697720
1988-10-20 0.192504 3.636701
1988-10-21 0.054601 3.582569
1988-10-22 -0.081428 3.535222
1988-10-23 -0.220092 3.494570

This can also be visualized:

axes = mt.plots.decomposition("B21B0214001", split=True, adjust_height=True)

Or for all time series

axes = mt.plots.decompositions()

Example application: removing outliers

The Kalman smoother can be re-run after removing (masking) outliers from the observations. This is illustrated below.

First plot the simulation for the original data:

name = "B21B0214005"
alpha = 0.05

ax1 = mt.plots.simulation(name, alpha=alpha, tmin="1997-01-01", tmax="1997-12-31")

Mask (remove) the outlier on 28 august 1997.

oseries = mt.get_observations()
mask = (0 * oseries).astype(bool)
mask.loc["1997-8-28", name] = True

Now plot the simulation again. Note the estimated value and its 95%-confidence interval for the observation on 28 August 1997 based on the common dynamic factor.

# remove outlier from series B21B0214005 at 1997-8-28
# and re-run smoother to get estimate of observation
# (Fig 3 in Stromingen without deterministic component)
ax2 = mt.plots.simulation(name, alpha=alpha, tmin="1997-01-01", tmax="1997-12-31")
sim = mt.get_simulation(name, alpha=None).loc[["1997-8-28"]]

# plot outlier and corrected value
outlier = oseries.loc[["1997-8-28"], name]
ax2.plot(outlier.index, outlier, "C3x", label="outlier")
ax2.plot(sim.index, sim, "C2s", label="corrected value", mec="k", mew=0.5)
ax2.legend(loc=(0, 1), numpoints=1, frameon=False, ncol=3)
INFO: Running Kalman filter with masked observations.

To reset the observations (remove all masks):

# unmask observations to get original observations


  • Van Geer, F.C. en W.L. Berendrecht (2015) Meervoudige tijdreeksmodellen en de samenhang in stijghoogtereeksen. Stromingen 23 nummer 3, pp. 25-36.