Source code for metran.metran

"""The Metran model class."""

from logging import getLogger
from os import getlogin

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Series, Timedelta, Timestamp, concat
from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset
from pastas.timeseries import TimeSeries
from pastas.utils import initialize_logger, validate_name
from pastas.version import __version__

if __version__ > "0.22.0":
    from pastas.timeseries_utils import (
        _frequency_is_supported as frequency_is_supported,
    from pastas.utils import frequency_is_supported

from scipy.stats import norm

from .factoranalysis import FactorAnalysis
from .kalmanfilter import SPKalmanFilter
from .plots import MetranPlot
from .solver import ScipySolve

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Metran: """Class for the Pastas Metran model. Parameters ---------- oseries: pandas.DataFrame, list of pandas.Series or pastas.TimeSeries Time series to be analyzed. Index must be DatetimeIndex. The series can be non-equidistant. name: str, optional String with the name of the model. The default is 'Cluster' freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. Returns ------- mt: metran.Metran Metran instance. """ def __init__(self, oseries, name="Cluster", freq=None, tmin=None, tmax=None): # Default settings self.settings = { "tmin": None, "tmax": None, "freq": "D", "min_pairs": 20, "solver": None, "warmup": 1, } if tmin is not None: self.settings["tmin"] = tmin if tmax is not None: self.settings["tmax"] = tmax if freq is not None: self.settings["freq"] = frequency_is_supported(freq) # Initialize and rework observations self.nfactors = 0 self.set_observations(oseries) self.parameters = DataFrame(columns=["initial", "pmin", "pmax", "vary", "name"]) self.set_init_parameters() # initialize attributes self.masked_observations = None = None = validate_name(name) # File Information self.file_info = self._get_file_info() # add plots self.plots = MetranPlot(self) @property def nparam(self): return self.parameters.index.size @property def nstate(self): return self.nseries + self.nfactors
[docs] def standardize(self, oseries): """Method to standardize series. Standardized by subtracting mean and dividing by standard deviation. Parameters ---------- oseries : pandas.DataFrame series to be standardized Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame standardized series """ std = oseries.std() mean = oseries.mean() self.oseries_std = np.array(std.values) self.oseries_mean = np.array(mean.values) return (oseries - mean) / std
[docs] def truncate(self, oseries): """Method to set start and end of series. If tmin and/or tmax have been defined in self.settings, use these dates to trucate series. Dates with only NaN are being removed. Parameters ---------- oseries : pandas.DataFrame series to be tructated Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame truncated series """ if self.settings["tmin"] is None: tmin = oseries.index.min() else: tmin = self.settings["tmin"] if self.settings["tmax"] is None: tmax = oseries.index.max() else: tmax = self.settings["tmax"] oseries = oseries.loc[tmin:tmax] return oseries.dropna(how="all")
[docs] def test_cross_section(self, oseries=None, min_pairs=None): """Method to test whether series have enough cross-sectional data. Default threshold value is defined by self.settings["min_pairs"]. Parameters ---------- oseries : pandas.DataFrame, optional Time series to be evaluated. The default is None. min_pairs : int, optional Minimum number of cross-sectional data for each series. Should be greater than 1. The default is None. Raises ------ Exception If one of the series has less than min_pairs of cross-sectional data and exception is raised. Returns ------- None. """ if min_pairs is None: min_pairs = self.settings["min_pairs"] if min_pairs == 0: logger.warning("min_pairs must be greater than 0.") if oseries is None: oseries = self.oseries.copy() pairs = Series(index=oseries.columns, dtype=int) oseries["count"] = oseries.count(axis=1) for s in pairs.index: pairs[s] = oseries.dropna( subset=[ s, ] )["count"].count() oseries = oseries.drop(["count"], axis=1) if pairs.min() < max(min_pairs, 1): err = pairs[pairs < min_pairs].index.tolist() msg = ( "Number of cross-sectional data is less than " + str(min_pairs) + " for series " + (", ").join([str(e) for e in err]) ) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def get_factors(self, oseries=None): """Method to get factor loadings based on factor analysis. This method also gets some relevant results from the factor analysis including the eigenvalues and percentage explained by factors (fep). Parameters ---------- oseries : pandas.DataFrame, optional Series to be analyzed. The default is None. Returns ------- factors : numpy.ndarray Factor loadings as estimated using factor analysis """ if oseries is None: oseries = self.oseries fa = FactorAnalysis() self.factors = fa.solve(oseries) self.eigval = fa.eigval if self.factors is not None: self.nfactors = self.factors.shape[1] self.fep = fa.fep else: self.nfactors = 0 return self.factors
[docs] def _init_kalmanfilter(self, oseries, engine="numba"): """Internal method, initialize Kalmanfilter for sequential processing. Parameters ---------- oseries : pandas.DataFrame Series being processed by the Kalmanfilter. engine: str, optional Engine used for the Kalman filter, by default 'numba' which is the fastest choice but 'numpy' is also available, but is slower. Returns ------- None. """ self.kf = SPKalmanFilter(engine=engine) self.kf.set_observations(oseries)
[docs] def _phi(self, alpha): """Internal method to calculate autoregressive model parameter. Autoregressive model parameter is calculated based on parameter alpha. Parameters ---------- alpha : float model parameter Returns ------- float autoregressive model parameter """ a = Timedelta(to_offset(self.settings["freq"])) / Timedelta(1, "D") return np.exp(-a / alpha)
[docs] def get_transition_matrix(self, p=None, initial=False): """Method to get transition matrix of the Metran dynamic factor model. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series, optional Model parameters. The default is None. initial : bool, optional Determines whether to use initial (True) or optimal (False) parameters. The default is False. Returns ------- transition_matrix : numpy.ndarray Transition matrix """ if p is None: p = self.get_parameters(initial) transition_matrix = np.zeros((self.nstate, self.nstate), dtype=np.float64) for n in range(self.nseries): name = self.snames[n] + "_sdf" + "_alpha" transition_matrix[n, n] = self._phi(p[name]) for n in range(self.nfactors): name = "cdf" + str(n + 1) + "_alpha" transition_matrix[self.nseries + n, self.nseries + n] = self._phi(p[name]) return transition_matrix
[docs] def get_transition_covariance(self, p=None, initial=False): """Get transition covariance matrix of the Metran dynamic factor model. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series, optional Model parameters. The default is None. initial : bool, optional Determines whether to use initial (True) or optimal (False) parameters. The default is False. Returns ------- transition_covariance : numpy.ndarray Transition covariance matrix """ if p is None: p = self.get_parameters(initial) transition_covariance = np.eye(self.nstate, dtype=np.float64) factor_load = np.sum(np.square(self.factors), axis=1) for n in range(self.nseries): name = self.snames[n] + "_sdf" + "_alpha" transition_covariance[n, n] = (1 - self._phi(p[name]) ** 2) * ( 1 - factor_load[n] ) for n in range(self.nfactors): name = "cdf" + str(n + 1) + "_alpha" transition_covariance[self.nseries + n, self.nseries + n] = ( 1 - self._phi(p[name]) ** 2 ) return transition_covariance
[docs] def get_transition_variance(self, p=None, initial=False): """Get the transition variance vector. The transition variance vector is obtained by extracting the diagonal of the transition covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series, optional Model parameters. The default is None. initial : bool, optional Determines whether to use initial (True) or optimal (False) parameters. The default is False. Returns ------- transition_variance : numpy.ndarray Transition variance vector """ if p is None: p = self.get_parameters(initial) return np.diag(self.get_transition_covariance(p))
[docs] def get_observation_matrix(self, p=None, initial=False): """Method to get observation matrix of the Metran dynamic factor model. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series, optional Model parameters. The default is None. initial : bool, optional Determines whether to use initial (True) or optimal (False) parameters. The default is False. Returns ------- observation_matrix : numpy.ndarray Observation matrix """ if p is None: p = self.get_parameters(initial) observation_matrix = np.zeros((self.nseries, self.nstate), dtype=np.float64) observation_matrix[:, : self.nseries] = np.eye(self.nseries) for n in range(self.nseries): for k in range(self.nfactors): observation_matrix[n, self.nseries + k] = self.factors[n, k] return observation_matrix
[docs] def get_observation_variance(self): """Method to get observation matrix. Currently the observation variance is zero by default. Returns ------- observation_variance : numpy.ndarray Observation variance vector """ (self.nseries, _) = self.factors.shape observation_variance = np.zeros(self.nseries, dtype=np.float64) return observation_variance
[docs] def _get_matrices(self, p, initial=False): """Internal method to get all matrices. Returns all matrices required to define the Metran dynamic factor model. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series Model parameters. initial : bool, optional Determines whether to use initial (True) or optimal (False) parameters. The default is False. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Transition matrix. numpy.ndarray Transition covariance matrix. numpy.ndarray Observation matrix. numpy.ndarray Observation variance vector. """ return ( self.get_transition_matrix(p, initial), self.get_transition_covariance(p, initial), self.get_observation_matrix(p, initial), self.get_observation_variance(), )
[docs] def get_parameters(self, initial=False): """Method to get all parameters from the individual objects. Parameters ---------- initial: bool, optional True to get initial parameters, False to get optimized parameters. If optimized parameters do not exist, return initial parameters. Returns ------- parameters: pandas.Series initial or optimal parameters. """ if not (initial) and "optimal" in self.parameters: parameters = self.parameters["optimal"] else: parameters = self.parameters["initial"] return parameters
[docs] def set_init_parameters(self): """Method to initialize parameters to be optimized. Returns ------- None """ pinit_alpha = 10.0 for n in range(self.nfactors): self.parameters.loc["cdf" + str(n + 1) + "_alpha"] = ( pinit_alpha, 1e-5, None, True, "cdf", ) for n in range(self.nseries): self.parameters.loc[self.snames[n] + "_sdf" + "_alpha"] = ( pinit_alpha, 1e-5, None, True, "sdf", )
[docs] def mask_observations(self, mask): """Mask observations for processing with Kalman filter or smoother. This method does NOT change the oseries itself. It only masks (hides) observations while running the Kalman filter or smoother, so that these observations are not used for updating the Kalman filter/smoother. Parameters ---------- mask : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with shape of oseries containing 0 or False for observation to be kept and 1 or True for observation to be masked (hidden). Returns ------- None. """ if mask.shape != self.oseries.shape: logger.error( "Dimensions of mask " + str(mask.shape) + " do not equal dimensions of series " + str(self.oseries.shape) + ". Mask cannot be applied." ) else: self.masked_observations = self.oseries.mask(mask.astype(bool)) self.kf.init_states() self.kf.set_observations(self.masked_observations) self.kf.mask = True
[docs] def unmask_observations(self): """Method to unmask observation and reset observations. Returns ------- None """ self.masked_observations = None self.kf.init_states() self.kf.set_observations(self.oseries) self.kf.mask = False
[docs] def set_observations(self, oseries): """Rework oseries to pandas.DataFrame for further use in Metran class. Parameters ---------- oseries : pandas.DataFrame or list/tuple of pandas.Series/pandas.DataFrame/pastas.TimeSeries Time series to be analyzed. Raises ------ Exception - if a DataFrame within a list/tuple has more than one column - if input type is not correct - if number of series is less than 2 - if index of Series/DataFrame is not a DatetimeIndex Returns ------- None. """ # combine series to DataFrame if isinstance(oseries, (list, tuple)): _oseries = [] _names = [] if len(oseries) > 1: for i, os in enumerate(oseries): if isinstance(os, TimeSeries): _oseries.append(os.series) _names.append( elif isinstance(os, (Series, DataFrame)): if isinstance(os, DataFrame): if os.shape[1] > 1: msg = ( "One or more series have " + "DataFrame with multiple columns" ) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) os = os.squeeze() if is None: = "Series" + str(i + 1) _oseries.append(os) _names.append( self.snames = _names oseries = concat(_oseries, axis=1) else: oseries = DataFrame() elif isinstance(oseries, DataFrame): self.snames = oseries.columns else: msg = "Input type should be either a " + "list, tuple, or pandas.DataFrame" logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) if oseries.shape[1] < 2: msg = "Metran requires at least 2 series, found " + str(oseries.shape[1]) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) oseries = self.truncate(oseries) if isinstance(oseries.index, DatetimeIndex): oseries = oseries.asfreq("D") self.nseries = oseries.shape[1] self.oseries_unstd = oseries self.oseries = self.standardize(oseries) self.test_cross_section() else: msg = "Index of series must be DatetimeIndex" logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def get_observations(self, standardized=False, masked=False): """Returns series as available in Metran class. Parameters ---------- standardized : bool, optional If True, obtain standardized observations. If False, obtain unstandardized observations. The default is False. masked : boolean If True, return masked observations. The default is False. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Time series. """ if masked: oseries = self.masked_observations else: oseries = self.oseries if not standardized: oseries = oseries * self.oseries_std + self.oseries_mean return oseries
[docs] def get_mle(self, p): """Method to obtain maximum likelihood estimate based on Kalman filter. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series Model parameters. Returns ------- mle: float Maximum likelihood estimate. """ p = Series(p, index=self.parameters.index) self.kf.set_matrices(*self._get_matrices(p)) self.kf.run_filter() mle = self.kf.get_mle() return mle
[docs] def get_specificity(self): """Get fraction that is explained by the specific dynamic factor. Calculate specificity for each series. The specificity is equal to (1 - communality). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray For each series the specificity, a value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 means that the series has all variation in common with other series. A value of 1 means that the series has no variation in common. """ return 1 - self.get_communality()
[docs] def get_communality(self): """Get fraction that is explained by the common dynamic factor(s). Calculate communality for each series. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray For each series the communality, a value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 means that the series has no variation in common with other series. A value of 1 means that the series has all variation in common. """ return np.sum(np.square(self.factors), axis=1)
[docs] def get_state_means(self, p=None, method="smoother"): """Method to get filtered or smoothed state means. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. method : str, optional Use "filter" to obtain filtered states, and "smoother" to obtain smoothed states. The default is "smoother". Returns ------- state_means : pandas.DataFrame Filtered or smoothed states. Column names refer to specific dynamic factors (sdf) and common dynamic factors (cdf) """ self._run_kalman(method, p=p) columns = [name + "_sdf" for name in self.snames] columns.extend(["cdf" + str(i + 1) for i in range(self.nfactors)]) if method == "filter": means = self.kf.filtered_state_means else: means = self.kf.smoothed_state_means state_means = DataFrame(means, index=self.oseries.index, columns=columns) return state_means
[docs] def get_state_variances(self, p=None, method="smoother"): """Method to get filtered or smoothed state variances. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. method : str, optional Use "filter" to obtain filtered variances, and "smoother" to obtain smoothed variances. The default is "smoother". Returns ------- state_variances : pandas.DataFrame Filtered or smoothed variances. Column names refer to specific dynamic factors (sdf) and common dynamic factors (cdf) """ self._run_kalman(method, p=p) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): if method == "filter": cov = self.kf.filtered_state_covariances else: cov = self.kf.smoothed_state_covariances n_timesteps = cov.shape[0] var = np.vstack([np.diag(cov[i]) for i in range(n_timesteps)]) columns = [name + "_sdf" for name in self.snames] columns.extend(["cdf" + str(i + 1) for i in range(self.nfactors)]) state_variances = DataFrame(var, index=self.oseries.index, columns=columns) return state_variances
[docs] def get_state(self, i, p=None, alpha=0.05, method="smoother"): """Get filtered or smoothed mean for specific state. Optionally including the 1-alpha confidence interval. Parameters ---------- i : int index of state vector to be obtained p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. alpha : float, optional Include (1-alpha) confidence interval in DataFrame. The value of alpha must be between 0 and 1. If None, no confidence interval is returned. The default is 0.05. method : str, optional Use "filter" to obtain filtered variances, and "smoother" to obtain smoothed variances. The default is "smoother". Returns ------- state : pandas.DataFrame ith filtered or smoothed state (mean), optionally with 'lower' and 'upper' as lower and upper bounds of 95% confidence interval. """ state = None if i < 0 or i >= self.nstate: logger.error("Value of i must be >=0 and <" + self.nstate) else: state = self.get_state_means(p=p, method=method).iloc[:, i] if alpha is not None: if alpha > 0 and alpha < 1: z = norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2.0) else: msg = "The value of alpha must be between 0 and 1." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) variances = self.get_state_variances(p=p, method=method).iloc[:, i] iv = z * np.sqrt(variances) state = concat([state, state - iv, state + iv], axis=1) state.columns = ["mean", "lower", "upper"] return state
[docs] def get_simulated_means(self, p=None, standardized=False, method="smoother"): """Method to calculate simulated means. Simulated means are the filtered/smoothed mean estimates for the observed series. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. standardized : bool, optional If True, obtain estimates for standardized series. If False, obtain estimates for unstandardized series. The default is False. method : str, optional Use "filter" to obtain filtered estimates, and "smoother" to obtain smoothed estimates. The default is "smoother". Returns ------- simulated_means : pandas.DataFrame Filtered or smoothed estimates for observed series. """ self._run_kalman(method, p=p) if standardized: observation_matrix = self.get_observation_matrix(p=p) observation_means = np.zeros(observation_matrix.shape[0]) else: observation_matrix = self.get_scaled_observation_matrix(p=p) observation_means = self.oseries_mean (means, _) = self.kf.simulate(observation_matrix, method=method) simulated_means = ( DataFrame(means, index=self.oseries.index, columns=self.oseries.columns) + observation_means ) return simulated_means
[docs] def get_simulated_variances(self, p=None, standardized=False, method="smoother"): """Method to calculate simulated variances, The simulated variances are the filtered/smoothed variances for the observed series. Parameters ---------- p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. standardized : bool, optional If True, obtain estimates for standardized series. If False, obtain estimates for unstandardized series. The default is False. method : str, optional Use "filter" to obtain filtered estimates, and "smoother" to obtain smoothed estimates. The default is "smoother". Returns ------- simulated_variances : pandas.DataFrame Filtered or smoothed variances for observed series. """ self._run_kalman(method, p=p) if standardized: observation_matrix = self.get_observation_matrix(p=p) else: observation_matrix = self.get_scaled_observation_matrix(p=p) (_, variances) = self.kf.simulate(observation_matrix, method=method) simulated_variances = DataFrame( variances, index=self.oseries.index, columns=self.oseries.columns ) return simulated_variances
[docs] def get_simulation( self, name, p=None, alpha=0.05, standardized=False, method="smoother" ): """Method to calculate simulated means for specific series. Optionally including 1-alpha confidence interval. Parameters ---------- name : str name of series to be obtained p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. alpha : float, optional Include (1-alpha) confidence interval in DataFrame. The value of alpha must be between 0 and 1. If None, no confidence interval is returned. The default is 0.05. standardized : bool, optional If True, obtain estimates for standardized series. If False, obtain estimates for unstandardized series. The default is False. method : str, optional Use "filter" to obtain filtered estimates, and "smoother" to obtain smoothed estimates. The default is "smoother". Returns ------- proj : pandas.DataFrame filtered or smoothed estimate (mean) for series 'name', optionally with 'lower' and 'upper' as lower and upper bounds of 95% confidence interval. """ sim = None means = self.get_simulated_means(p=p, standardized=standardized, method=method) if name in means.columns: sim = means.loc[:, name] if alpha is not None: if alpha > 0 and alpha < 1: z = norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2.0) else: msg = "The value of alpha must be between 0 and 1." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) variances = self.get_simulated_variances( p=p, standardized=standardized, method=method ).loc[:, name] iv = z * np.sqrt(variances) sim = concat([sim, sim - iv, sim + iv], axis=1) sim.columns = ["mean", "lower", "upper"] else: logger.error("Unknown name: " + name) return sim
[docs] def decompose_simulation(self, name, p=None, standardized=False, method="smoother"): """Decompose simulation into specific and common dynamic components. Method to get for observed series filtered/smoothed estimate decomposed into specific dynamic component (sdf) and the sum of common dynamic components (cdf). Parameters ---------- name : str name of series to be obtained. p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. standardized : bool, optional If True, obtain estimates for standardized series. If False, obtain estimates for unstandardized series. The default is False. method : str, optional Use "filter" to obtain filtered estimates, and "smoother" to obtain smoothed estimates. The default is "smoother". Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with specific and common dynamic component for series with name 'name'. """ df = None self._run_kalman(method, p=p) if standardized: observation_matrix = self.get_observation_matrix(p=p) observation_means = np.zeros(observation_matrix.shape[0]) else: observation_matrix = self.get_scaled_observation_matrix(p=p) observation_means = self.oseries_mean (sdf_means, cdf_means) = self.kf.decompose(observation_matrix, method=method) if name in self.oseries.columns: sdf = ( DataFrame( sdf_means, index=self.oseries.index, columns=self.oseries.columns ) + observation_means[self.oseries.columns.tolist().index(name)] ) df = sdf.loc[:, name] cols = [ "sdf", ] for k in range(self.nfactors): cdf = DataFrame( cdf_means[k], index=self.oseries.index, columns=self.oseries.columns ) df = concat([df, cdf.loc[:, name]], axis=1) cols.append("cdf" + str(k + 1)) df.columns = cols else: logger.error("Unknown name: " + name) return df
[docs] def get_scaled_observation_matrix(self, p=None): """Method scale observation matrix by standard deviations of oseries. Returns ------- observation_matrix: numpy.ndarray scaled observation matrix p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. """ scale = self.oseries_std observation_matrix = self.get_observation_matrix(p=p) np.fill_diagonal(observation_matrix[:, : self.nseries], scale) for i in range(self.nfactors): observation_matrix[:, self.nseries + i] = np.multiply( scale, observation_matrix[:, self.nseries + i] ) return observation_matrix
[docs] def _run_kalman(self, method, p=None): """Internal method to (re)run Kalman filter or smoother. Parameters ---------- method : str, optional Use "filter" to run Kalman filter, and "smoother" to run Kalman smoother. The default is "smoother". p : pandas.Series Model parameters. The default is None. Returns ------- None. """ if method == "filter": if p is not None: self.kf.set_matrices(*self._get_matrices(p)) self.kf.run_filter() elif self.kf.filtered_state_means is None: self.kf.run_filter() else: if p is not None: self.kf.set_matrices(*self._get_matrices(p)) self.kf.run_smoother() elif self.kf.smoothed_state_means is None: self.kf.run_smoother()
[docs] def solve(self, solver=None, report=True, engine="numba", **kwargs): """Method to solve the time series model. Parameters ---------- solver: metran.solver.BaseSolver class, optional Class used to solve the model. Options are: mt.ScipySolve (default) or mt.LmfitSolve. A class is needed, not an instance of the class! report: bool, optional Print reports to the screen after optimization finished. This can also be manually triggered after optimization by calling print(mt.fit_report()) or print(mt.metran_report()) on the Metran instance. engine: str, optional Engine used for the Kalman filter, by default 'numba' which is the fastest choice but 'numpy' is also available, but is slower. **kwargs: dict, optional All keyword arguments will be passed onto minimization method from the solver. Notes ----- - The solver object including some results are stored as From here one can access the covariance ( and correlation matrix ( - The solver returns a number of results after optimization. These are stored in and can be accessed from there. """ # Perform factor analysis to get factors factors = self.get_factors(self.oseries) if factors is not None: # Initialize Kalmanfilter self._init_kalmanfilter(self.oseries, engine=engine) # Initialize parameters self.set_init_parameters() # Store the solve instance if solver is None: if is None: = ScipySolve(mt=self) elif not issubclass(solver, = solver(mt=self) self.settings["solver"] = # Solve model success, optimal, stderr =**kwargs) self.parameters["optimal"] = optimal self.parameters["stderr"] = stderr if not success: logger.warning("Model parameters could not be estimated well.") if report: if isinstance(report, str): output = report else: output = "full" print("\n" + self.fit_report(output=output)) print("\n" + self.metran_report())
[docs] def _get_file_info(self): """Internal method to get the file information. Returns ------- file_info: dict dictionary with file information. """ # Check if file_info already exists if hasattr(self, "file_info"): file_info = self.file_info else: file_info = {"date_created":} file_info["date_modified"] = file_info["pastas_version"] = __version__ try: file_info["owner"] = getlogin() except Exception: file_info["owner"] = "Unknown" return file_info
[docs] def fit_report(self, output="full"): """Method that reports on the fit after a model is optimized. Parameters ---------- output: str, optional If any other value than "full" is provided, the parameter correlations will be removed from the output. Returns ------- report: str String with the report. Examples -------- This method is called by the solve method if report=True, but can also be called on its own:: >>> print(mt.fit_report()) """ model = { "tmin": str(self.settings["tmin"]), "tmax": str(self.settings["tmax"]), "freq": self.settings["freq"], "solver": self.settings["solver"], } fit = { "obj": "{:.2f}".format(, "nfev":, "AIC": "{:.2f}".format(, "": "", } parameters = self.parameters.loc[ :, ["optimal", "stderr", "initial", "vary"] ].copy() stderr = parameters.loc[:, "stderr"] / parameters.loc[:, "optimal"] parameters["stderr"] = "-" parameters.loc[parameters["vary"], "stderr"] = stderr.abs().apply( "\u00B1{:.2%}".format ) parameters["initial"] = parameters["initial"].astype(str) parameters.loc[~parameters["vary"].astype(bool), "initial"] = "-" # Determine the width of the fit_report based on the parameters width = len(parameters.__str__().split("\n")[1]) string = "{:{fill}{align}{width}}" # Create the first header with model information and stats w = max(width - 45, 0) header = "Fit report {name:<16}{string}Fit Statistics\n" "{line}\n".format([:14], string=string.format("", fill=" ", align=">", width=w), line=string.format("", fill="=", align=">", width=width), ) basic = "" vw = max(width - 45, 0) for (val1, val2), (val3, val4) in zip(model.items(), fit.items()): val4 = string.format(val4, fill=" ", align=">", width=w) space = string.format("", fill=" ", align=">", width=vw) basic += "{:<8} {:<16} {:} {:<7} {:}\n".format( val1, val2, space, val3, val4 ) # Create the parameters block parameters = ( "\nParameters ({n_param} were optimized)\n{line}\n{parameters}".format( n_param=parameters.vary.sum(), line=string.format("", fill="=", align=">", width=width), parameters=parameters, ) ) if output == "full": cor = {} pcor = for idx in pcor: for col in pcor: if ( (np.abs(pcor.loc[idx, col]) > 0.5) and (idx != col) and ((col, idx) not in cor.keys()) ): cor[(idx, col)] = pcor.loc[idx, col].round(2) cor = DataFrame(data=cor.values(), index=cor.keys(), columns=["rho"]) if cor.shape[0] > 0: cor = cor.to_string(header=False) else: cor = "None" correlations = "\n\nParameter correlations |rho| > 0.5\n{}" "\n{}".format( string.format("", fill="=", align=">", width=width), cor ) else: correlations = "" report = "{header}{basic}{parameters}{correlations}".format( header=header, basic=basic, parameters=parameters, correlations=correlations ) return report
[docs] def metran_report(self, output="full"): """Method that reports on the metran model results. Parameters ---------- output: str, optional If any other value than "full" is provided, the state correlations will be removed from the output. Returns ------- report: str String with the report. Examples -------- This method is called by the solve method if report=True, but can also be called on its own:: >>> print(mt.metran_report()) """ model = { "tmin": str(self.settings["tmin"]), "tmax": str(self.settings["tmax"]), "freq": self.settings["freq"], } fit = {"nfct": str(self.nfactors), "fep": "{:.2f}%".format(self.fep), "": ""} # Create the state parameters block phi = np.diag(self.get_transition_matrix()) q = self.get_transition_variance() names = [name + "_sdf" for name in self.snames] names.extend(["cdf" + str(i + 1) for i in range(self.nfactors)]) transition = DataFrame(np.array([phi, q]).T, index=names, columns=["phi", "q"]) # get width of index to align state parameters index idx_width = int(max([len(n) for n in transition.index])) # Create the communality block communality = Series( self.get_communality(), index=self.oseries.columns, name="" ) communality.index = [idx.ljust(idx_width) for idx in communality.index] communality = communality.apply("{:.2%}".format).to_frame() # Create the observation parameters block gamma = self.factors names = ["gamma" + str(i + 1) for i in range(self.nfactors)] observation = DataFrame(gamma, index=self.oseries.columns, columns=names) observation.index = [idx.ljust(idx_width) for idx in observation.index] observation.loc[:, "scale"] = self.oseries_std observation.loc[:, "mean"] = self.oseries_mean # Determine the width of the metran_report based on the parameters width = max( len(transition.__str__().split("\n")[1]), len(observation.__str__().split("\n")[1]), 44, ) string = "{:{fill}{align}{width}}" # # Create the first header with results factor analysis w = max(width - 43, 0) header = "Metran report {name:<14}{string}Factor Analysis\n" "{line}\n".format([:14], string=string.format("", fill=" ", align=">", width=w), line=string.format("", fill="=", align=">", width=width), ) factors = "" for (val1, val2), (val3, val4) in zip(model.items(), fit.items()): val4 = string.format(val4, fill=" ", align=">", width=w) factors += "{:<8} {:<19} {:<7} {:}\n".format(val1, val2, val3, val4) # Create the transition block transition = "\nState parameters\n{line}\n" "{transition}\n".format( line=string.format("", fill="=", align=">", width=width), transition=transition, ) # Create the observation block observation = "\nObservation parameters\n{line}\n" "{observation}\n".format( line=string.format("", fill="=", align=">", width=width), observation=observation, ) # Create the communality block communality = "\nCommunality\n{line}\n" "{communality}\n".format( line=string.format("", fill="=", align=">", width=width), communality=communality, ) if output == "full": cor = {} pcor = self.get_state_means().corr() for idx in pcor: for col in pcor: if ( (np.abs(pcor.loc[idx, col]) > 0.5) and (idx != col) and ((col, idx) not in cor.keys()) ): cor[(idx, col)] = pcor.loc[idx, col].round(2) cor = DataFrame(data=cor.values(), index=cor.keys(), columns=["rho"]) if cor.shape[0] > 0: cor = cor.to_string(header=False) else: cor = "None" correlations = "\nState correlations |rho| > 0.5\n{}" "\n{}\n".format( string.format("", fill="=", align=">", width=width), cor ) else: correlations = "" report = ( "{header}{factors}{communality}{transition}" "{observation}{correlations}".format( header=header, factors=factors, communality=communality, transition=transition, observation=observation, correlations=correlations, ) ) return report