Source code for metran.plots

"""This module contains the Plot helper class for Metran."""

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pandas import Timestamp
from pastas import __version__ as psversion

if psversion < "0.19.0":
    from pastas.plots import _get_height_ratios
elif psversion >= "1.3.0":
    from pastas.plotting.plotutil import _get_height_ratios
    from pastas.modelplots import _get_height_ratios

[docs] class MetranPlot: """Plots available directly from the Metran Class.""" def __init__(self, mt): = mt
[docs] def scree_plot(self): """Draw a scree plot of the eigenvalues. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes plot axis handle """ n_ev = np.arange([0]) + 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 4)) ax.plot(n_ev,, marker="o", ms=7, mfc="none", c="C3"),, facecolor="none", edgecolor="C0", linewidth=2) ax.grid(visible=True) ax.set_xticks(n_ev) ax.set_ylabel("eigenvalue") ax.set_xlabel("eigenvalue number") fig.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def state_means(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, adjust_height=True): """Plot all specific and common smoothed state means. Parameters ---------- tmin : str or pd.Timestamp, optional start time, by default None tmax : str or pd.Timestamp, optional end time, by default None adjust_height : bool, optional scale y-axis of plots relative to one another, by default True Returns ------- axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes list of axes handles """ # Get all smoothed state means states = if tmin is None: tmin = states.index[0] if tmax is None: tmax = states.index[-1] ylims = [] if adjust_height: for s in states: hs = states.loc[tmin:tmax, s] if hs.empty: if s.empty: ylims.append((0.0, 0.0)) else: ylims.append((s.min(), hs.max())) else: ylims.append((hs.min(), hs.max())) hrs = _get_height_ratios(ylims) else: hrs = [1] * (states.columns.size) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, states.columns.size * 2)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(ncols=1, nrows=states.columns.size, height_ratios=hrs) for i, col in enumerate(states.columns): if i == 0: iax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i]) ax0 = iax else: iax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i], sharex=ax0) if col.startswith("cdf"): c = "C3" lbl = f"common dynamic factor {col[3:]}" else: c = "C0" lbl = f"specific dynamic factor {col.replace('_sdf', '')}" states.loc[:, col].plot(ax=iax, label=lbl, color=c) iax.legend(loc=(0, 1), ncol=3, frameon=False, numpoints=3) iax.grid(visible=True) if adjust_height: iax.set_ylim(ylims[i]) iax.set_xlabel("") fig.tight_layout() return fig.axes
[docs] def simulation(self, name, alpha=0.05, tmin=None, tmax=None, ax=None): """Plot simulation for single oseries. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the oseries alpha : float, optional confidence interval statistic, by default 0.05 (95% confidence interval), if None no confidence interval is shown. tmin : str or pd.Timestamp, optional start time, by default None tmax : str or pd.Timestamp, optional end time, by default None ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axis axes to plot simulation on, if None (default) create a new figure Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes plot axis handle """ sim =, alpha=alpha) obs =,[ :, name ] if tmin is None: tmin = sim.index[0] else: tmin = Timestamp(tmin) if tmax is None: tmax = sim.index[-1] else: tmax = Timestamp(tmax) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 4)) ax.plot(sim.index, sim["mean"], label=f"simulation {name}") ax.plot( obs.index, obs, marker=".", ms=3, color="k", ls="none", label="observations" ) if alpha is not None: ax.fill_between( sim.index, sim["lower"], sim["upper"], color="gray", alpha=0.5, label="95%-confidence interval", ) ax.legend(loc=(0, 1), ncol=3, frameon=False, numpoints=3) ax.grid(visible=True) ax.set_xlim(tmin, tmax) if ax is None: fig.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def simulations(self, alpha=0.05, tmin=None, tmax=None): """Plot simulations for all oseries. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the oseries alpha : float, optional confidence interval statistic, by default 0.05 (95% confidence interval), if None no confidence interval is shown. tmin : str or pd.Timestamp, optional start time, by default None tmax : str or pd.Timestamp, optional end time, by default None ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axis axes to plot simulation on, if None (default) create a new figure Returns ------- axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes list of axes handles """ nrows = len( fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, nrows * 2) ) for i, name in enumerate( self.simulation(name, alpha=alpha, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, ax=axes.flat[i]) fig.tight_layout() return axes
[docs] def decomposition( self, name, tmin=None, tmax=None, ax=None, split=False, adjust_height=True, **kwargs, ): """Plot decomposition into specific and common dynamic components. Parameters ---------- name : str name of oseries tmin : str or pd.Timestamp, optional start time, by default None tmax : str or pd.Timestamp, optional end time, by default None ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axis axes to plot decomposition on split : bool, optional plot specific and common dynamic factors on different axes, only if ax is None adjust_height : bool, optional scale y-limits of axes relative to one another, by default True, only used when ax is None and split=True Returns ------- axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes list of axes handles """ decomposition =, **kwargs) if tmin is None: tmin = decomposition.index[0] if tmax is None: tmax = decomposition.index[-1] # logic for height ratios if splitting decomposition into subplots if ax is None: ylims = [] if adjust_height and split: for s in decomposition: hs = decomposition.loc[tmin:tmax, s] if hs.empty: if s.empty: ylims.append((0.0, 0.0)) else: ylims.append((s.min(), hs.max())) else: ylims.append((hs.min(), hs.max())) hrs = _get_height_ratios(ylims) elif split: hrs = [1] * (decomposition.columns.size) else: hrs = [1] if split: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) nrows = decomposition.columns.size else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) nrows = 1 gs = fig.add_gridspec(ncols=1, nrows=nrows, height_ratios=hrs) cdfcount = 0 # color counter for common dynamic factors for i, col in enumerate(decomposition.columns): if i == 0: if ax is None: iax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i]) ax0 = iax else: iax = ax elif i > 0 and split and ax is None: iax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i], sharex=ax0) # line color if col.startswith("cdf"): c = f"C{3 + cdfcount % 10}" cdfcount += 1 zorder = 2 else: c = "C0" zorder = 3 # plot s = decomposition[col] iax.plot(s.index, s, label=f"{col} {name}", color=c, zorder=zorder) # grid and legend iax.grid(visible=True) iax.legend(loc=(0, 1), ncol=3, frameon=False, numpoints=3) # set ylimits if adjust_height and split and ax is None: iax.set_ylim(ylims[i]) if ax is None: fig.tight_layout() return iax.figure.axes
[docs] def decompositions(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, **kwargs): """Plot all decompositions into specific and common dynamic components. Parameters ---------- name : str name of oseries tmin : str or pd.Timestamp, optional start time, by default None tmax : str or pd.Timestamp, optional end time, by default None Returns ------- axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes list of axes handles """ nrows = len( fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, nrows * 2) ) for i, name in enumerate( self.decomposition( name, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, ax=axes.flat[i], split=False, adjust_height=False, **kwargs, ) fig.tight_layout() return axes