Source code for metran.solver

"""This module contains the  solver that is available for Pastas Metran.

All solvers inherit from the BaseSolver class, which contains methods to
obtain the object function value and numerical approximation of the
parameter covariance matrix.

To solve a model the following syntax can be used:

>>> mt.solve(solver=ps.LmfitSolve)

from logging import getLogger

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from pastas.utils import initialize_logger
from scipy.optimize import approx_fprime, minimize

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BaseSolver: _name = "BaseSolver" __doc__ = """All solver instances inherit from the BaseSolver class. Attributes ---------- mt : Metran instance """ def __init__(self, mt, **kwargs): = mt # Initialize objects self.pcov = None self.pcor = None self.nfev = None self.result = None
[docs] def objfunction(self, p, callback): """Method to get objective function used by solver. Parameters ---------- p : type required for callback function Parameters to be coverted by callback function into proper type and format. callback: ufunc Function that is called after each iteration. The parameters are provided to the func, e.g. "callback(parameters)". Returns ------- obj : float Objective function value. """ if callback is not None: p = callback(p) obj = return obj
def _get_covariance(self, x0, f, callback, epsilon=None, diff="forward"): """Estimate covariance matrix of parameter estimates. Uses a numerical approximation to the Hessian matrix of cost function at location x0. Parameters ---------- x0 : array_like Parameter values at objective function minimum f : callable The objective function callback : ufunc Function that is called after each iteration. The parameters are provided to the func, e.g. "callback(parameters)". epsilon : float, optional Pertubation in finite difference scheme. The default is EPS ** (1. / 4). If finite difference approximation results in non-positive values on the diagonal of the covariance matrix, epsilon will be increase by factor 10. diff : str, optional forward or central difference scheme. The default is "forward" Returns ------- cov : numpy.ndarray covariance matrix of parameter estimates """ n = x0.shape[0] if epsilon is None: EPS = np.finfo(float).eps epsilon = EPS ** (1.0 / 4) cov_ok = False while not (cov_ok or epsilon > 1000.0 * epsilon): # allocate space for the hessian hessian = np.zeros((n, n)) # the next loop fill the hessian matrix xx = x0 if diff == "forward": f0 = approx_fprime(x0, f, epsilon, callback) for j in range(n): xx0 = xx[j] d = epsilon * max(np.abs(xx0), 0.1) # forward difference xx[j] = xx0 + d ff = approx_fprime(xx, f, epsilon, callback) if diff == "central": # backward difference xx[j] = xx0 - d fb = approx_fprime(xx, f, epsilon, callback) hessian[: j + 1, j] = (ff[: j + 1] - fb[: j + 1]) / (2 * d) else: hessian[: j + 1, j] = (ff[: j + 1] - f0[: j + 1]) / d hessian[j, : j + 1] = hessian[: j + 1, j] # restore initial value of x0 xx[j] = xx0 # try to calculate covariance matrix from Hessian if not np.isnan(hessian).any(): cov = np.linalg.pinv(hessian) if np.amin(np.diag(cov)) <= 0: # find nearest positive semi-definite matrix try: cov = np.linalg.pinv(self._nearPSD(hessian)) except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Could not calculate 'cov': {e}") if np.amin(np.diag(cov)) > 0: cov_ok = True if not (cov_ok): epsilon *= 10.0 return cov @staticmethod def _get_correlations(pcov): """Internal method to obtain the parameter correlations. Parameter correlations are derived from the covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- pcov: pandas.DataFrame n x n Pandas DataFrame with the covariances. Returns ------- pcor: pandas.DataFrame n x n Pandas DataFrame with the correlations. """ pcor = pcov.loc[pcov.index, pcov.index].copy() for i in pcor.index: for j in pcor.columns: pcor.loc[i, j] = pcov.loc[i, j] / np.sqrt( pcov.loc[i, i] * pcov.loc[j, j] ) return pcor @staticmethod def _nearPSD(A, epsilon=0): """Get the nearest Positive Semi-Definite matrix of A. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray square matrix epsilon : float, optional cut-off value for eigenvalues. The default is 0. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray Nearest Positive Semi-Definite matrix of A. """ n = A.shape[0] eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(A) val = np.array(np.maximum(eigval, epsilon)) vec = np.array(eigvec) with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): T = 1 / (vec**2 @ val.T) T = np.array(np.sqrt(np.diag(np.array(T).reshape((n))))) B = T @ vec * np.diag(np.array(np.sqrt(val)).reshape((n))) out = B @ B.T return out
[docs] class ScipySolve(BaseSolver): """Solver based on Scipy's least_squares method [scipy_ref]_. This class is the default solver class in the Metran solve method. Parameters ---------- mt : Metran instance **kwargs : dict, optional All keyword arguments will be passed onto minimization method from the solver. Examples -------- >>> mt.solve(solver=ps.ScipySolve) References ---------- .. [scipy_ref] """ _name = "ScipySolve" def __init__(self, mt, **kwargs): BaseSolver.__init__(self, mt=mt, **kwargs)
[docs] def solve(self, method="l-bfgs-b", **kwargs): """Method to run solver and optimize parameters. Parameters ---------- method : str, optional Name of the fitting method to use. The default is "l-bfgs-b". **kwargs : dict, optional All keyword arguments will be passed onto minimization method from the solver. Returns ------- success : boolean True if optimization routine terminated successfully. params : lmfit.Parameters instance Ordered dictionary of Parameter objects. """ # Deal with the parameters self.vary = self.initial = parameters =[self.vary] bounds = [(b[0], b[1]) for b in parameters.loc[:, ["pmin", "pmax"]].values] # Create the Minimizer object and minimize self.result = minimize( fun=self.objfunction, method=method, x0=parameters.initial.values, bounds=bounds, args=(self._array_todict,), **kwargs, ) _stderr = np.zeros(parameters.shape[0]) * np.NaN if hasattr(self.result, "hess_inv"): pcov = self.result.hess_inv.todense() _stderr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) if np.isnan(_stderr).any(): # calculate covariance matrix using finite differences pcov = self._get_covariance( self.result.x, self.objfunction, self._array_todict ) _stderr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) optimal = self.initial optimal[self.vary] = self.result.x stderr = np.zeros(len(optimal)) * np.NaN stderr[self.vary] = _stderr # Set all parameter attributes names = parameters.index.values self.pcov = DataFrame(pcov, index=names, columns=names) self.pcor = self._get_correlations(self.pcov) # Set all optimization attributes self.nfev = self.result.nfev self.aic = 2 * parameters.shape[0] + self.obj_func = if hasattr(self.result, "success"): success = self.result.success else: success = True return success, optimal, stderr
def _array_todict(self, p): """Update parameter dictionary with array of varying parameters. Parameters ---------- p : array_like Model parameters (varying) Returns ------- dict Model parameters as input for objective function """ par = self.initial par[self.vary] = p return par
[docs] class LmfitSolve(BaseSolver): """Class for solving the model using the LmFit solver [LM]_. Lmfit is basically a wrapper around the scipy solvers, adding some functionality for boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- mt : Metran instance **kwargs : dict, optional All keyword arguments will be passed onto minimization method from the solver. Examples -------- >>> mt.solve(solver=ps.LmfitSolve) References ---------- .. [LM] """ _name = "LmfitSolve" def __init__(self, mt, **kwargs): try: # Import Lmfit here, so it is no dependency global lmfit import lmfit as lmfit except ImportError: msg = "lmfit not installed. Please install lmfit first." logger.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) = mt # Initialize objects self.pcov = None self.pcor = None self.nfev = None self.result = None
[docs] def solve(self, method="lbfgsb", **kwargs): """Method to run solver and optimize parameters. Parameters ---------- method : str, optional Name of the fitting method to use. The default is "lbfgsb". **kwargs : dict, optional All keyword arguments will be passed onto minimization method from the solver. Returns ------- success : boolean True if optimization routine terminated successfully. params : lmfit.Parameters instance Ordered dictionary of Parameter objects. """ # Deal with the parameters parameters = lmfit.Parameters() self.vary = self.initial = p =[:, ["initial", "pmin", "pmax", "vary"]] for k in p.index: pp = np.where(p.loc[k].isnull(), None, p.loc[k]) if method == "lbfgsb": parameters.add(k, value=pp[0], min=None, max=None, vary=pp[3]) else: parameters.add(k, value=pp[0], min=pp[1], max=pp[2], vary=pp[3]) if method == "lbfgsb": bounds = [ (b[0], b[1]) for b in[:, ["pmin", "pmax"]].values ] kwargs["bounds"] = bounds # Create the Minimizer object and minimize = lmfit.Minimizer( userfcn=self.objfunction, params=parameters, scale_covar=False, fcn_args=(self._lmfit_todict,), **kwargs, ) self.result = optimal = np.array([p.value for p in self.result.params.values()]) # Set all parameter attributes stderr = np.zeros(len(optimal)) * np.NaN pcov = None if hasattr(self.result, "covar"): if self.result.covar is not None: pcov = self.result.covar stderr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) if pcov is None: # calculate covariance matrix using finite differences pcov = self._get_covariance(optimal, self.objfunction, self._array_todict) stderr[self.vary] = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) names = self.result.var_names self.pcov = DataFrame(pcov, index=names, columns=names) self.pcor = self._get_correlations(self.pcov) # Set all optimization attributes self.nfev = self.result.nfev self.obj_func = self.objfunction(optimal, self._array_todict) self.aic = 2 * p[p["vary"]].shape[0] + self.obj_func if hasattr(self.result, "success"): success = self.result.success else: success = True return success, optimal, stderr
@staticmethod def _lmfit_todict(p): """Convert lmfit.Parameter instance to dictionary. Parameters ---------- p : lmfit.Parameter instance Model parameters Returns ------- dict Model parameters as input for objective function """ return p.valuesdict() def _array_todict(self, p): """Update parameter dictionary with array of varying parameters. Parameters ---------- p : array_like Model parameters (varying) Returns ------- dict Model parameters as input for objective function """ par = self.initial par[self.vary] = p return par